Welcome to DS4DH Demo Server

List of available proof of concepts

Page Description
🔐 /chem-ai Molecules generation & Molecule reactions predictions
🔐 /ct-risk/ade Adverse drug event safety prediction (REST API only)
🔐 /ct-risk/cluster/ Clinical trial eligibility criteria clustering visualization
🔐 /ct-risk/explain-api Clinical trials risk classification and explainability
🔐 /ct-risk/outcome-analyzer Clinical trial outcome analyzer
🔓 /ddi The Questionnaire review tool for Disability Data & Research (QR-DDR)
🔓 /ddi/visualization The Disability Statistics Database dashboard from DDI
🔓 /gdhub/chatbot The chat bot for asking any question on the living evidence
🔓 /gdhub/living-evidence The Living evidence dashboard from GDHUB
🔐 /nlu4ehr Named Language Understanding for Electronic Health Records
🔐 /nlu4ehr/DS4DH Named Language Understanding for Electronic Health Records (sandbox)